New to wearing daily disposable contacts? Let's get to learning.

Morgan Grant
Jan 24, 2022

Get to know the big "no's" of daily disposable contacts

Need a little advice? Understandable. Handling your daily disposable contacts improperly could lead to eye damage. But no worries, you've come to the right place. See, we happen to know a thing or two (or five or six) about disposable contacts and things to avoid while handling and wearing them. After all, your eyes are the windows to your soul--best keep them safe and sound, right? 

Daily disposable contact don'ts  

Don't handle contacts with dirty hands 

Yep. Anything you've touched before touching your contacts, ends up on your contacts and in your eyes. Bacteria has a way of transferring from surface to surface quickly. Wash your hands and dry them well with a clean paper towel before handling your contacts. 

Don't get water on your contacts

Water seems harmless, but most of the time even water has bacteria that could turn a clean contact into a nasty environment for your eyes. So, keep those clean contacts away from hot tubs, showers, ponds, pools, lagoons, large get the idea.  

Don't overwear or sleep in your contacts 

Wearing contact lenses for an excessive amount of time will reduce the amount of oxygen your eyes receive which might cause complications to your eyes. One of the most frequently asked questions relating to disposable contact best practices is "how long can I wear daily disposable contacts?" and the answer is around 14 to 16 hours. But NEVER sleep in your contacts. Your eyes need oxygen to heal and fight infections at night. Sleeping in your contacts could result in damage to your eyes. 

Don't reuse daily contacts

It's in the name--these contacts are disposable. They're not meant to be stored and then used a second and third time. Discard your pair of daily disposables at night and start with a fresh new pair in the morning.  

A couple of pro tips for daily contact lens wearers 

We've been discussing a lot of "don'ts" and that's all fine and well, but a little negative. So, for the conclusion of this article, how about we just leave you with a few more tips that'll have you feeling confident about your future with your daily disposable contact lenses.  

  1. Put your contacts in after you've finished your morning routine. This will help avoid Don't #2 - "Don't handle your contacts near water."
  2. BUT put your contacts in before you apply makeup.
  3. Say "yes" to eye drops and "no" to rubbing those irritated eyes. Rubbing your eyes can cause damage to your cornea. 

Ok, so they weren't the most exciting pro tips, but they were pro tips, nonetheless. We think you're going to love your daily disposables. They're convenient and especially great for new contact lens wearers.  

And remember, if you have any questions, we have real, nice people available 24/7 to assist you with any contact questions or conundrums you may experience. Just call 1-800-266-8228 or try a live chat with one of our experts. You'll find the live chat bubble at the bottom of your screen.