Best contacts for sports

Most athletes need great vision to play their best, but glasses aren't always the best choice – who wants to deal with a pair of specs flying off during a victory dance? This is why contact lenses are usually the best option for players who need corrected vision without the trouble of wearing glasses during a demanding physical performance.

So, what are the best contacts for sports, and what should you look for? While there's no single answer, you can still make a smart choice for yourself if you know what features to look for in sports contact lenses.

The importance of sports contact lenses

Most sports impose demands on you that go beyond what ordinary contacts can provide. You can’t exactly be looking for your loose contact out on the field – you can (and will) get trampled. Here are some of the things you should consider when you're shopping for contact lenses (plus some cool coupons because we're like that here).

Introduction to sports contact lenses

There aren't any contact lenses that come with "Best Contacts for Sports" printed on the box (though could you imagine how much easier that would be?), but you can shop for lenses with certain features that make them good for your game. First, you're going to want soft contact lenses. They stay in place way better, even when you're knocked over by a blindside tackle the ref somehow didn't see even though he was looking right at you when the foul happened.

Second, you want to avoid recreational or colored lenses. Those have their place, but 4th-and-goal when your team is down by 5 and there are 6 seconds on the clock is not the time to experiment with your looks. Stick to the lenses prescribed by your eye care professional, and switch to the cool-looking ones after the buzzer.

Impact of vision on sports performance

What we're saying is that clear vision is your priority in sports. This is partly a performance issue, but it's also all about safety. Contacts can be even better than glasses for some sports because they improve peripheral vision and won't flop off during a penalty kick.

Choosing the best contacts for sports

So, what matters most in sports contact lenses? Read on.

Enhanced durability and moisture retention

Sports contact lenses need to be durable and retain moisture well. Dry eyes during a match help with the after-goal display of tears, but they're not so fun during regular gameplay.

UV protection and tint options

If your sport happens outdoors, you're going to be under the sun. UV protection matters here, and you have your choice for tint options.

Prescription and non-prescription sports contact lenses

Go with the lenses prescribed for you. They'll do the most for your vision, and non-prescription lenses are probably not worth the hassle while you're on the field.

Considerations for specific sports

This has all been general so far, but what about your specific sport? Are you wearing the best contact lenses for the game you actually play? Is there a difference between high-diving and golf, contact-wise?

Contact lenses for water sports

The best contact lenses for water sports are ... none. Seriously, don't wear contacts underwater. That's according to the FDA, which writes about the topic with a visible shudder.

Contact lenses for outdoor sports

The best contact lenses for outdoor sports have UV protection and don't cost too much. The cost consideration is, frankly, practical. Sooner or later, you're going to drop a lens in the grass, and even if you do find it, do you really want it back? Get lenses that screen out harmful sunlight and are cheap enough you don't mind losing them.

Contact lenses for contact sports

The best contact lenses for contact sports should be secure and comfortable. That sounds like a no-brainer but hear us out. Scleral lenses are an exception to the no-hard-lenses rule. These make contact with the whites of your eyes and form a nice suction fit. They're pricier, but you're way less likely to lose a pair of these on the field.

Find the best contact lenses for sports

No matter what you settle on for the best lenses for your sport, you should always wear your own lenses, in the prescription you have, and keep them fresh and clean. You can get the ball rolling (get it? Sports? We'll show ourselves out now) by scheduling a vision exam in your area or by taking a free vision exam online.


Are there contacts specifically designed for various sports?

There aren't any contact lenses made specifically for sports, but you can generally find the best contacts for you by paying attention to the demands your sport puts on your lenses.

Can sports contact lenses help with peripheral vision during activities?

Contact lenses have a number of advantages to athletes, including up to a 15% improvement in peripheral vision.

How do I clean and care for my sports contact lenses properly?

Put fresh lenses in right before the game and switch them out after. Rinse them thoroughly between sessions.