Can you use water as contact lens solution?

Austin Brewer
Jun 8, 2022

The very short answer is, no. You cannot, or should not, use water as a replacement for contact lens solution. That goes for distilled water, boiled water, river water, and any other water you can imagine, should not be used to clean or store your contacts. It’s a really bad idea for several reasons.  

Not convinced? Great! Let’s see exactly why you can’t put your contacts in water.  

What is contact lens solution?  

Let’s get some context. Yes, you use contact lens solution every day but most people don’t realize what it actually does for your contacts. Contact lens solution is a fundamental part of many people’s nightly routines and it’s incredibly important for the health of your eyes. Most contact lens solution can be broken up into three categories.  

Fortunately, they all pretty much have the same goal: to disinfect and protect your contacts. These solutions are not just saline, surprisingly. Multipurpose solutions have the added benefit of disinfectant, and some even offer additional hydration in your contacts after cleaning them.   

The bottom line is that contact lens solution is specifically designed to be a benefit for your contacts and to be safe in your eyes. Water does not offer those same protections and often works against your eye health.  

What happens when you use water instead of contact solution? 

Water is wonderful and is the basis for almost all life on Earth. We have lots to thank it for, but that doesn’t mean we need it in our eyes or on our contacts. The main issue with using water instead of contact solution is microorganisms. Yes, your tap water has microorganisms in it. It’s perfectly healthy to consume, your stomach can handle those little guys, but your eyes can’t.  

Using water to clean or store your contact lens case can lead to serious eye infections. You’re essentially trapping the microorganisms between your contact and eye. It’s not comfortable for them or for you (although we’re much less concerned about microorganism comfort than the health and comfort of your eyes)  

You also run the risk of warping your contacts due to your contacts being little water sponges. They can absorb much more water than multipurpose solution which leads to deformities. A contact lens fit is so essential to a comfortable lens and so you’ll notice even the smallest distortion.  

Overall, it’s just not a great idea to use your water in the place of multipurpose solution.  If you don’t have contact lens solution and you’re in a pinch, the best thing to do is use saline solution. It doesn’t offer the same benefits as multipurpose solution, but it’ll keep your lenses hydrated.