What causes vision changes in pregnancy?
If you're pregnant or know someone who is, you’re probably already familiar with pregnancy symptoms, such as back pain, heartburn, and bizarre dreams that seem like they’re straight out of a sci-fi movie. But beyond weird dreams and a constant need for antacids, you may have also noticed a change in vision and wondered if that was a normal pregnancy symptom. The short answer is yes, it is normal to experience vision changes in pregnancy, although certain changes can sometimes indicate a serious problem, so it’s important to check with your doctor.
What causes blurred vision during pregnancy?
When you're pregnant, the body creates additional fluid retention in the body, which can change the shape of your corneas and cause blurrier vision than normal. And if there weren’t enough bodily challenges for those expecting, it’s pretty common for tear production to decrease, which affects visual acuity. Luckily, that’s an easy fix. Ask your doctor which eye drops are safe for pregnancy and enjoy that added moisture whenever applicable.
Do you notice that your vision is normal with your prescription glasses but blurry with your contacts? No, there’s no such phenomenon as contact lens-resistant pregnancy. You may just need to do a little sleuthing to find the cause. (See article here.)
How long after pregnancy does vision return to normal?
In most cases, your vision should return to normal within a few weeks of delivery. Since your hormones will continue to fluctuate until you give birth (and again when you’re done nursing), your doctor may advise on waiting to update your vision prescription. But if your vision has changed enough that it’s difficult to drive or do your daily tasks, you may need a temporary pair of glasses to get you by.
Vision changes that require medical attention
While we've established that vision changes during pregnancy are common, there are certain vision changes that can indicate a serious problem called preeclampsia, a rare, yet dangerous condition that typically appears midway through the pregnancy. Symptoms associated with preeclampsia include the following:
- Sudden blurry vision
- Light sensitivity
- Vision auras
- Seeing flashing lights
- High blood pressure
If you experience any of these symptoms during pregnancy, seek medical attention immediately.
Both regular diabetics and those that have gestational (pregnancy) diabetes should keep an eye on their vision, as blurred vision can mean your blood sugar levels are too high. Because high blood sugar caused by diabetes can damage the blood vessels that supply your retina, it’s important to monitor your blood sugar and check in with your doctor regularly. If you have gestational diabetes, you may need to get a diabetic eye exam, where your eye doctor dilates the eyes to examine the retina for signs of retinopathy.
Caring for your eyes during pregnancy
I know, right. Another thing to add to your to-do list. But these tips are easy:
- Use pregnancy-safe eyedrops to keep dry eyes at bay.
- Keep an eye on any visual changes and always see a doctor if you're unwell.
- If you need ideas for baby names, you can never go wrong with Fred or Steve.